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Holiday Reindeer Hunt

Event details



"The reindeer, known as caribou in North America, is a species of deer found in Scandinavia, Siberia, Canada and Alaska. Both male and female reindeer grow antlers annually, with the size being typically larger for males. They have the largest antlers relative to their body size among any living deer species. The color of the fur varies between individuals, both depending on subspecies and season. With reindeer in northern areas having typically a lighter coat than individuals found in the south part of their range. Males weigh between 159 - 182 kg (350 - 401 lb) while females are smaller and weigh between 80 - 120 kg (176 - 264 lb). Reindeer are migratory and can be found in huge herds with up to 500,000 individuals during migration periods. During the rut, they gather in smaller mixed gender groups with a few males guarding a group of females. Reindeer prefer open areas both for feeding and for resting as it allows them to keep an eye out for predators."

TrophySilverSilver TrophyGold Gold TrophyDiamond Diamond
152.53 311.21 430.23



Competition Name: Holidays 2023 Rein in the Deer

Competition Prey: Reindeer

Competition Entry: The largest summed length of both main beams subtracted by their difference is your competition entry.


Rules and Conditions

Species: Reindeer
Reserves: Medved-Taiga National Park


Choosing one Reindeer submitting the largest summed length of both main beams subtracted by their difference is your competition entry.


Any Weapon Permitted


summed length of both main beams subtracted by their difference.

Special Requirements



Singleplayer or Multiplayer

Competition Requirements: You will need to provide a screenshot of the TRUSCORE harvest screen showing Integrity was kept and the summed length of both main beams subtracted by their difference. you will also provide a screenshot of the Codex Entry of the harvested Reindeer.

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