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US Army Ranks

  1. Recruit

    Applicants who are 15 years of age are placed into the Delayed Entry Program for 30 days where they are observed by their Chain of Command to assess their maturity and potential. Applicants will still follow the same enlistment procedures as those of the Private Trainee, except they wait for promotion to Private Trainee upon the recommendation of their Chain of Command at the end of the Delayed Entry Program.
    1) Complete Enlistment process.
  2. Private Trainee

    The E-1 Private Trainee (PVT) is the entry level rank/grade. Enlistees are given this rank upon their Induction into service. To be inducted, an enlistee must pass the enlistment process which includes a written application, verbal orientation via Discord, and verification of having the required equipment and software. Once inducted, the Private Trainee is assigned to a combat unit and scheduled for Basic Combat Training.
    1) Complete Enlistment process.
  3. Private Second Class

    The E-2 Private Second Class (PV2) is the second lowest rank within the unit and is given to members directly after completing the required training pipeline. the PV2 will be expected to conduct remedial training, qualification courses, or conduct operations while following the orders of the Chain of Command appointed over them. Rank given to those who complete OSUT (One Station Unit Training)
    1) Graduate from the Basic Combat Training & Advanced Individual Training, also known as OSUT (One Station Unit Training)
  4. Private First Class

    The E-3 Private First Class (PFC) is the third lowest rank within the unit and is given to members directly after completing the required training pipeline. the PFC will be expected to conduct remedial training, qualification courses, or conduct operations while following the orders of the Chain of Command appointed over them. This rank is still new in the Unit, but not Green.
    1) Graduate with honors OR: One (1) month Time In Grade (TIG) as E-2 Private Second Class.
    2) Personal File Completed and submitted Uniform creation request
    3) Contributes in Squad and DMOS activities
    4) Contributes in the Forums (Including a minimum of 4 votes consistently maintained on Clanlist in the last 30 days)
    5) No significant lapse in activity levels
  5. Specialist

    A Specialist is a basic Soldier who has earned experience in Squad and DMOS activities, participated in competitive combat operations, and is a proven asset to the Squad.
    1) One (1) month TIG as E-3 Private First Class.
    2) Demonstrated proficiency in game
    3) Actively participate in a DMOS field
    4) Positively participates in Forums (Including a minimum of 5 votes consistently maintained on Clanlist in the last 30 days)
    5) Able to assist the Squad Leader or Squad 2IC when needed
  6. Corporal

    Corporal is not just a rank. It is the doorway to the NCO Corps. Corporals have established themselves as having leadership potential and worthy of consideration as a future Squad Leader.
    1) Two (2) months TIG as E-4B Specialist
    2) Graduation from Warrior Leadership School (Or Selected to attend)
    3) Clear and decisive speech and writing abilities
    4) Participates in Squad and DMOS activities at a level of excellence (Including a minimum of double digit (10) votes consistently maintained on Clanlist in the last 30 days)
    5) Ability to conduct Squad training as directed by the Squad Leader
    6) Selected as a Squad Leader or Fireteam Leader
    7) Recommendation from Squad Leader and Promotion Board
  7. Sergeant

    The rank of Sergeant is the entree to a hallowed fraternity. Sergeants run the Army, of that there can be no doubt. A Sergeant is a proven leader and can lead a Chalk or even a Squad if necessary, as well as serve as NCOIC of a DMOS. The Sergeant is where the axe meets the stone.

    1) Two (2) months TIG as E-4A Corporal
    2) Three (3) months TIG as E-4B Specialist
    3) Graduate of Warrior Leadership Course
    4) Important part of Squad and DMOS activities (Including a minimum of double digit votes (15) consistently maintained on Clanlist in the last 30 days)
    5) Ability to write Squad Reports
    6) Ability to conduct Squad training as directed by the Squad Leader
    7) Recommendation from Squad Leader and Promotion Board

  8. Staff Sergeant

    The Staff Sergeant is a proficient and reliable Squad Leader. His leadership is crucial to the health of the Division. Not only does the Staff Sergeant excel in Squad leadership, he also shows the ability's to assist the Platoon Sergeant or even serve as one if called upon.
    1) Four (4) months TIG as E-5 Sergeant
    2) Demonstrated success as a Squad Leader (Including a minimum of double digit votes (20) consistently maintained on Clanlist in the last 30 days)
    3) Shows leadership in all areas and Selected /or attended Advanced Leadership course
    4) Ability to assist the Platoon Sergeant where necessary
    5) Recommendation Promotion Board and Command Staff
  9. Sergeant First Class

    The Sergeant First Class is the Platoon level NCO. He has proven himself not only an excellent Squad Leader in the past, but also an effective Platoon Sergeant. He has become a force to be reckoned with inside the Company and a trusted advisor and counselor to all junior NCOs and Rangers. Sergeants First Class are the very definition of "Senior NCO".

    1) Four (4) months TIG as E-6 Staff Sergeant
    2) Demonstrated success as a Platoon Sergeant or equivalent 
    3) Gradates (Or selected to attend) Advance Leadership Course
    4) Ability to assist the First Sergeant where necessary and consistently maintained (20) Clanlist votes in the last 30 days
    5) Recommendation of Command Staff

  10. Master Sergeant

    The rank of Master Sergeant says it all: Master of the art of leadership. The Master Sergeant serves as the principal NCO in staff elements at company and often higher levels. Although not charged with the enormous leadership responsibilities of the First Sergeant, the Master Sergeant is expected to dispatch leadership and other duties with the same professionalism and to achieve the same results as the First Sergeant.
    1) Ten (10) months TIS overall
    2) Demonstrated success at all levels of NCO leadership
    3) Is an example to be followed in all areas, including Prerequisites of all ranks below E-8
    4) Ability to assist the Command Staff where necessary
    5) Recommendation from the Officers of Command Staff
  11. First Sergeant

    When you are talking about the First Sergeant you are talking about the lifeblood of the Army. There can be no substitute of this position nor any question of its importance. When First Sergeants are exceptional, their units are exceptional, regardless of any other single personality involved. Perhaps their rank insignia should be the keystone rather than the traditional diamond. It is the First Sergeant at whom almost all unit operations merge. The First Sergeant holds formations, instructs platoon Sergeants, advises the Commander, and assists in training of all enlisted members.
    1) One (1) year TIS
    2) Ability to assist the Company Commander or serve in his absence
    3) Ability to write Company Reports in lieu of the Company Commander
    4) Ability to actively participate in Command Staff activities and forums
    5) Sets the standard of excellence in leadership throughout the Regiment
    6) Demonstrated reputation of success as a Squad Leader and/or Platoon Sergeant
    7) Recommendation from the Battalion Commander
  12. Sergeant Major

    The Sergeant Major is the principal Senior NCO of the Battalion. With a background of excellence in all areas of leadership including Company First Sergeant, the Sergeant Major represents the height of accomplishment in the NCO Corps. The Sergeant Major can move mountains, part the skies and place his boot where he wishes.
    1) Special appointment by the Battalion Commander
  13. Command Sergeant Major

    The Command Sergeant Major is the commanding senior NCO of any command element. With a background of excellence in all areas of leadership including Company First Sergeant, the Command Sergeant Major represents the height of accomplishment in the NCO Corps. The Command Sergeant Major is a beast of his/her own and not to be trifle with.
    1) Special appointment by the Battalion Commander
  14. Sergeant Major of the Army

    The Sergeant Major of the Army the commanding senior NCO of any command element. With a background of excellence in all areas of leadership including Company First Sergeant, the Command Sergeant Major represents the height of accomplishment in the NCO Corps. The Sergeant Major of the Army is a beast of his/her own and not to be trifle with.
    1) Special appointment by the Battalion Commander
  15. Warrant Officer Candidate

    Aviation Center of Excellence (Aviation School) is the U.S. Army's main training academy for prospective Warrant Officers. The school is generally open to qualified enlisted personnel. Candidates who successfully complete the rigorous training curriculum receive formal commissions as U.S. Army Warrant Officers.
    1) Achieved rank of E-4B Specialist or Waivered by Brigade Commander
    2) Selected for Warrant Officer Candidate School
    3) Willing to complete 7 week Warrant Officer Candidate School
  16. Warrant Officer 1

    Appointed by warrant from the Secretary of the Army, Warrant Officer 1's are technically and tactically focused officers who perform the primary duties of technical leader, trainer, operator, manager, maintainer, sustainer, and adviser.
    1) Graduation from Warrant Officer Candidate School
    2) Graduation from Warrant Officer Basic Course (WOBC)
    3) No significant lapse in activity levels. (Including a minimum of double digit votes (10) consistently maintain on Clanlist in the last 30 days)
  17. Chief Warrant Officer 2

    Chief Warrant Officers become commissioned officers by warrant as determined by the President of the United States. Chief Warrant Officers are intermediate level technical and tactical experts who perform increased duties and responsibilities at the detachment through battalion levels.

    1) Six (6) Months TIG as W-1 Warrant Officer 1
    2) Contributes in Flight and DMOS activities
    3) Contributes in the Forums & No significant lapse in activity levels (Including a minimum of double digit votes (15) consistently maintain on Clanlist in the last 30 days)

  18. Chief Warrant Officer 3

    Advanced-level experts who perform the primary duties that of a technical and tactical leader. They provide direction, guidance, resources, assistance, and supervision necessary for subordinates to perform their duties. CW3s primarily support operations levels from team or detachment through brigade.
    1) Five (5) Months TIG as W-2 Chief Warrant Officer 2
    2) Selected as Brigade Executive Officer, Flight Leader or Specialist Billet
    3) Graduation from Warrant Officer Advanced Course (WOAC)
    4) Sets the standard of excellence in leadership throughout the Warrant Officer Core (Including a minimum of double digit votes (20) consistently maintain on Clanlist in the last 30 days)
  19. Chief Warrant Officer 4

    Senior-level experts in their chosen field. They primarily support battalion, brigade, division, corps, and echelons above corps operations. CW4s typically have special mentorship responsibilities for other WOs and provide essential advice to commanders on WO issues.
    1) Demonstrated Excellence as a Brigade Executive Officer in all areas, including Prerequisites of all ranks below CW4
    2) Trusted member of Command Staff
    5) Approval of the Commanding Officer of the Regiment
  20. Chief Warrant Officer 5

    Master-level technical and tactical experts that support brigade, division, corps, echelons above corps, and major command operations. They provide leader development, mentorship, advice, and counsel to WOs and branch officers. CW5s have special WO leadership and representation responsibilities within their respective commands
    1) Six (6) months TIG as W-4 Chief Warrant Officer 4
    2) Personally promoted by the Commanding Officer of the Regiment
  21. Officer Candidate

    Candidate School (OCS) is the U.S. Army's main training academy for prospective Army Officers. The school is generally open to qualified enlisted non-commissioned officers. Candidates who successfully complete the rigorous, 12-hour school receive formal commissions as U.S. Army Officers and assume the ability to command Soldiers.
    1) Selected for Officer Candidate School (must be E-5 or higher for selection).
  22. Second Lieutenant

    As the PV2 is the junior Soldiers and the CPL is the junior NCO, the Second Lieutenant is a junior Commissioned Officer, learning what it means to no longer wear stripes. Second Lieutenants are freshly minted Platoon Leader, and do well to take heed the advise of their Platoon Sergeant & First Sergeants. They also have a seat at the table of Command Staff, but also do well to listen more than speak.
    1) Demonstrated excellence as a Soldier, NCO or Senior NCO, including Prerequisites of all ranks below E-7
    2) Selection for OCS or Field Commission Board and successful passing of same
    3) Approval of the Commanding Officer of the Regiment
  23. First Lieutenant

    The First Lieutenant has proven him/herself as a competent Platoon Leader and a trusted part of Command Staff. He has earned the confidence of his Soldiers and continues to improve his Platoon, Company and the Division as a whole.
    1) Demonstrated excellence as a Platoon Leader or Aviation Brigade Commander, including Prerequisites of all ranks below E-7
    2) Three (3) months to Six (6) months TIG at O-1 Second Lieutenant
    3) Approval of the Commanding Officer of the Regiment
  24. Captain

    To be promoted to Captain is to be the standard of excellence as a Company Commander and an Officer. The Captain enjoys universal respect from his Soldiers and fellow Officers and has made the Division a better place because his Company has been made ever stronger
    1) Demonstrated excellence as a Company Commander or Aviation Brigade Commander
    2) Trusted member of Command Staff
    3) Approval of the Commanding Officer of the Regiment
  25. Major

    The Major is a Field Grade officer, one who is proven at all levels and can now be trusted with responsibilities that span the whole Regiment. The Major can serve as the Battalion Commander, Regimental Staff Officer, or even Regimental Executive Officer. All eyes are on the Major, for he assists the leadership of the Division in all areas.
    1) Demonstrated excellence as a Commissioned Officer in all areas
    2) Personally promoted by the Commanding Officer of the Regiment
  26. Lieutenant Colonel


    Their primary function of Lieutenant Colonels is to serve as commanders of battalion-sized elements. Although, they can also serve as staff officers at the brigade level or above, aiding in the planning, resourcing, and functioning of units.

    Lieutenant Colonels serving as commanders of battalions are the final authority on everything that occurs in the battalion, recognized as responsible for everything the battalion does or fails to do. 

    1) Six (6) months TIG as O-4 Major
    2) Personally promoted by the Commanding Officer of the Regiment
  27. Colonel

    The Colonel has one job only, to Command the Regiment. His is the final word on all things. His responsibility is all encompassing and all consuming. In short, he signs the checks.
    1) Appointed as Brigade Commander.
  28. Brigadier General

    The Brigadier General has one job only, to Command the Regiment. His is the final word on all things. His responsibility is all encompassing and all consuming. In short, he signs the checks.
    1) Appointed as Brigade Commander.
  29. Major General

    The Major General has one job only, to Command the Regiment. His is the final word on all things. His responsibility is all encompassing and all consuming. In short, he signs the checks.
    1) Appointed as Brigade Commander.
  30. Lieutenant General

    The Lieutenant General has one job only, to Command the Regiment. His is the final word on all things. His responsibility is all encompassing and all consuming. In short, he signs the checks.
    1) Appointed as Brigade Commander.
  31. General

    The General has one job only, to Command the Regiment. His is the final word on all things. His responsibility is all encompassing and all consuming. In short, he signs the checks.
    1) Appointed as Brigade Commander.
  32. General of the Army

    The General of the Army has one job only, to Command the Regiment. His is the final word on all things. His responsibility is all encompassing and all consuming. In short, he signs the checks.
    1) Appointed as Brigade Commander.
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