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4th Infantry Division
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    40.00 USD 

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Rookie (2/14)

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  1. As another quarter comes to a close here at Hellbound Soldiers. We want to take some time to recognize a soldier who has, in the opinion, of the Central Command brought unto themselves the kind of an example that all soldiers should try to achieve. This soldier always displays a positive mood at all times and exemplifies himself in game as the type of player who is humble, fair, and, maintains composure at all times which reflects positively on himself and HBS as a whole. This soldier is and has always been a team player willing to jump in and help in any way he can without question. It is with great pleasure that the HBS Central Command names HayDog as the Soldier of the Quarter and awards him the Soldiers Medal. You are a worthy choice and it is and has always been a pleasure to talk, game, and have you as a brother in this clan. Again, congratulations on this well-deserved award and accomplishment.
  2. Hi Goose, Thank you for your donation of 40.00 USD. We look forward to improving the forums with your donation. Thanks Hell Bound Soldiers [HBS]
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